Exhibit 9

                     T R A N S L A T I O N

Republic of Peru          )
Province and City of Lima )
Embassy of the            )  ss:
United States of America  )

My husband, Ambassador Ricardo Rivera Schreiber, died in July
1969. Upon express request by Mr. Frank Schuler, who is writing
a book about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, I am going on
record with the following statement since I personally witnessed
many of the events related therein and because I was at my
husband's side in those historic times.

The following is a transcript of what my husband wrote and on the
contents of which I am fully relying for confirmation since they
are a true and faithful account of the facts.

"As is known, beginning early in 1941, Japan feverishly prepared
for war, developed in Asia a monopolistic policy antagonistic to
the United States and had almost managed to stifle maritime trade
with a great many countries in order to isolate herself so as to
be in a better position to prepare her military plans.  In those
days neither the Japanese Diet nor civilians in the Government
nor the pseudo-political parties interfered in any way with the
maneuvering of the army chiefs.

"In these circumstances Fate would have it that perfectly
authentic data of utmost importance reached Peru's Minister in
Japan, Dr. Ricardo Rivera Schreiber.

"The Peruvian Legation in Tokyo had no intelligence service nor
was it interested in Japanese military plans.  In September of
1940, however, Minister Rivera Schreiber found out that the
Japanese employee of the Peruvian Consulate in Yokohama was an
agent of the secret military police and that, as such, he had
important secret information.  The Minister reached this conclu-
sion thanks to the chief of his domestic staff, also a Japanese,
with whom the aforesaid employee talked at length on each of his
frequent espionage visits to the Peruvian Legation.  Once that
servant informed him, more than a month in advance, that the
Russian-Japanese Non-Aggression Treaty, which surprised the world
in April 1941, would be signed and which was signed in Moscow by
Foreign Relations Minister Matsuoka, upon his return from Berlin.
When he1/  received this information Matsuoka had not even left
Tokyo for Berlin.  Other information which thereafter confirmed
the events convinced him2/ of the absolute veracity of the data
he received.

1/  Translator's Note:  Presumably referring to Minister Rivera

2/  Tr.:  Ibid.