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The Attack on taranto by Lowry, Wellham - cover thumbnail

Raid on Bomba, 22 Aug. 1940, Taranto, and shallow-water torpedoes

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The Attack on taranto by Schofield - cover thumbnail

Excerpt from The Attack on Taranto by V-Adm. B.B. Schofield (shallow-water torpedoes).

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Taranto 1940 by A.J. Smithers - cover thumbnail

Excerpt from Taranto 1940 by A.J. Smithers

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With Naval Wings by John Wellham - cover thumbnail

Excerpt from With Naval Wings by John Wellham

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Taranto by Newton and Hampshire - cover thumbnail

Excerpt from Taranto by D. Newton & A.C. Hampshire
(Bomba raid and LCmdr Opie, USN, 1940)

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Raid on Bomba